Wednesday 29 August 2012


There was quite a bit of old newspapers in the library storeroom and I had to do something to make space for future ones.  So I got my Year 1 college students to help bundle and tie them up.  You can see us with the newspapers.
Halifi is transporting the newspapers to my car using a trolley.
The boys had to negotiate a few bends on route to my car.
They reach the area outside the office.  I would be driving my car there.
Loading the newspapers into the car boot.
Arranging the papers so that they could fit into the boot.

Halifi and I with the load of newspapers in my car boot.
After work, I would send the old newspapers to the recycling centre.  Accompanying me to the place was another librarian, Iffah.
 The man at the recycling centre unloading the newspapers from my boot. 
 Weighing the old newspapers.
 A total of 80 kilogrammes.
 Here I am waiting to be paid for the newspapers. Each kilogramme of newspapers is 22 sen.  I got paid RM18.  The man gave me a bit extra.
See!  I am holding the RM18 from the sale.  The money will be used to buy snacks for the Resource Centre Open House next Tuesday.

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