Thursday 16 August 2012


I was pleasantly surprised to find a row of lit pelita panjut when I visited Kamariah's house yesterday evening. Her neighbours' children were the ones responsible for them..
A week or tend days before Hari Raya, house compounds, particularly those in the kampungs will be lit up with oil lamps known as pelita or panjut. This display of oil lamps will reach its zentih on the 27th night of Ramadan, called the Tujuh Likur night. ‘Likur‘ in the Malay language means a figure between 20 and 30, hence ‘tujuh likur‘ means twenty seven. In olden days, the purpose of lighting the oil lamps was to attract angels to descend to people’s homes during the night of Lailatulqadar. However, nowadays people light the lamps for the purpose of decorating their homes.

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