Saturday 11 August 2012


 For the first three weeks of Ramadan I have often taken my tiffin carrier to Kamariah's house to be filled with the delicious food that she had cooked for her family to break fast.  Clever me knows that her dishes are freshly cooked as compared to those sold at the Ramadan Bazaars.
Since I have been getting free meals from her, I decided to treat her and her children to a meal at Horizon Garden Restaurant.  Too bad her husband could not make it as he had to be in Taiping.
Thankfully, I went and made reservations in the afternoon as by the time we all reached the restaurant, all the tables have been fully booked for Berbuka Puasa.
 Here you see me and Nurin posing at the entrance to the restaurant with the full house sign.

 If you look inside, the place is packed with dinner guests.
 The diners waiting for the azan signalling Maghrib to break their fast.
 Balqis is spooning the rice for everyone while waiting for Berbuka Time.
 Saying prayers before they start their meal.


Opus T. Penguin said...

It looks like everyone had a good time.

Miss Cheah said...

They certainly did