Wednesday 27 June 2012


Yesterday evening, Amir went out for dinner with Auntie Kamariah and Auntie Li Na.  We had our meal at a Malay restaurant near the college and when we finished it was already nearing Maghrib time (one of the prayer times for Muslims).  So our little friend went to the mosque for ablution or Wudhu.  Wudhu is the act of washing parts of the body using cleanwater, as part of the preparation for ritual worship.
 In the pictures above and below you can see Auntie Kamariah making sure Amir is correctly carrying out Wudhu.
 As Auntie Kamariah had to fetch her children from the baby sitter's house, we did not wait for Amir to carry out his prayers in the mosque.  Instead he performed his Maghrib prayers in my house facing the Kiblat direction.  You can see pictures of my little friend praying below.

After carrying out his religious obligations, Amir played a fishing game with me and we watched telly together.  His papa only came to fetch him at around 10.00 p.m.

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