Sunday 24 June 2012


My Uncle Jimmy was discharged from hospital on Thursday.  He showed me his hospital report and no where was it mentioned that he had a heart attack, only that his heart was weak and that he was suffering from depression.   Since leaving the hospital, my uncle has been resting at home.  Seeing that her brother is out of danger, Aunt Linda is less grumpy and in better mood.  And with that I heave a sigh of relief.
Though the two of them may look old and frail in the pictures but then I am sure that like me they will be able to overcome their grief and get on with their lives.  Hopefully, I will be able to get to enjoy their company on this earth for a bit longer.
When I got back to Ipoh, I visited them to make sure that they were okay.  We had dinner together at Old Town White Coffee Restaurant.

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