Tuesday 1 May 2012


There are quite a number of cats that were born in the college grounds and the security guards have taken it upon themselves to feed these animals, especially Encik Roslan (pictured with Amir below).  As there are quite a few cats to feed, the food for them is not enough.  So I would also help out by buying cat food for them each month.  
Yesterday I was feeling rather depressed as I heard that the prospect of my mum making a full recovery from her stroke is not that good and so I asked Amir's papa if he could allow his son to keep me company in the evening to cheer me up.  He said "No problem" and so I went to fetch Amir from his house at around 6.15 p.m.  
So he kept me company the whole evening.  When Amir heard that I was going to buy food for the cats in the college, he became very excited.  I told him about the nice guards who looked after the cats and fed them.  He asked if he could feed them and I said okay.  So imagine how happy the little chap was when he got to feed 6 cats.

When you teach a child to be kind to animals, you help pave the way to a brighter future for all living beings. Animals benefit because the next generation has learned to treat them with respect and compassion, reducing instances of animal cruelty. Children benefit because learning about compassion and empathy early in life builds moral character, reduces violence, and builds a sense of empowerment and responsibility. And society as a whole benefits when its members are more caring towards each other and the animals who live among us.
Katherine Noyes LINK

So what we as adults must do is to teach by example as children learn much of what they know by watching those around them, so one of the best ways to teach children is by showing them that you care about animals.

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