Thursday 17 May 2012


My friend Kamariah will undertake an Umrah or a 'minor pilgrimage' to the Mecca, the holy land of the Muslims.  She will be flying off on the 23rd of May which is next week.  Yesterday morning, she held a Majlis Doa Selamat.  The doa selamat was performed with recitation of prayers for a safe journey.  She invited Ustaz Syed Sharim, the religious teacher, to perform the prayers.
I note that this is very similar to people of other religions as well before they travel abroad.  For the Taoists and the Buddhists, they will go to temples to pray for a safe journey while the Christians have their prayers for a safe travel as well.  All these boils down to the fact that mankind believe in the powers of the Almighty.

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