Friday 11 May 2012


Yesterday evening, Haji Hasnin, Kamariah and I paid a visit to our friend, Ishak's house as we wanted to pass something to him.  When we were there he invited us to eat at a stall by the riverside near to his house.  Earlier when I had reached the place, Amir was playing with two of his Chinese neighbours' children.  One of the boys looked very much like my nephew, Jeremy and I was gushing over how cute and handsome he was.  I even gave the little fella a peck on the cheek.  Little did I know that Amir became very jealous and upset and refused to even sit next to me.  He kept saying that he did not want to be friends with me and demanded I be thrown into the river as I had become "Bad Auntie Li Na".
Here you can see Haji Hasnin and Kamariah smiling when they saw how furious and jealous the little boy was.  
Later that evening, I decided to make up with my young friend by playing with him near a playground.  Even gave him a hoola hoop.
Initially, Amir acted distant and cold but still he took my hoola hoop.

Here you can see that he has thawed a bit.
See he is making the peace sign for me.
Finally, he has forgiven me for giving my affections to another boy.  So we are friends again.  Hee Hee Hee

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