Thursday 10 May 2012


Angel with her good eye.  
Besides my mum and sister Li Mei being sick, my dog Angel is also having a medical problem as well.  As Angel was born in September 2000, she is 12 years old in human years.  But in dog years she is 72 years old and that makes her an old dog.  Recently, my family and I notice that she has developed a cataract in her let eye and this has slowed down her movement.  Last week while I was trying to avoid her, I injured one of the toes in my foot.  For your information, the toe is swollen until today.
Some people might ask why I have not used Feng Shui cures and activators to solve these problems.  Well, let me tell you that Feng Shui is not the cure all for everything.  We cannot fight fate and also natural causes.
As I have said before, I seem to be experiencing some very trying situations at present.  In the cases of my mum and Angel, it is due to old age.  In the case of my sister, it is due to hormones which is affecting her menstrual cycle.

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