Wednesday 25 April 2012


When I was labelling the shelf in the library last Friday, a splinter went into the middle finger of my left hand. I tried to get the splinter out but then it was deeply embedded. Little did I know that the splinter caused an infection to my finger and by Tuesday morning, it had turned into an abscess. For your information, an abscess is a collection of pus that has accumulated in a cavity formed by the tissue in which the pus resides due to an infection or other foreign materials (e.g., splinters, thorns, needles). If one consults a doctor, he or she would prescribe antibiotics and also cream. But usually that is not enough as abscesses must be opened and drained to improve.
My colleagues advised me to use the leaves of the Inai (Henna) plant (pictured below) as poultice for the abscess.  I did use it but then it did not work.  Then I was given Henna in cream form to apply.  That I did but the swelling did not go down.
Finally I managed to get a needle from my beautician to poke some holes into the abscess and drain out the blood and pus.  As expected, pus and blood came out.  After that I immersed my hand in a bowl of Himalayan salt water to let it soak for a while.  This will act as a steriliser. The finger is still feeling tight and swollen but then it looks a wee bit better.  I might have to puncture a few more holes to remove more pus and blood tomorrow.  
Hopefully, my finger will be back to normal in a couple of days' time.

1 comment:

ennie said...

Hi Lina, don knw how to call this, but can get frm chinese medical hall. tiny, tiny balls like sawi seeds. mix with water & paste it on injured part. it is said can "suck" out the impurities or pus, etc.. Mum do it for us when we were young.