Saturday 28 April 2012


More Space Clearing Tips
The first step should always be to clean and clear clutter. If you clear the energy but still have piles of junk lying around the energy will soon coagulate again. In order to make changes happen in your life, you must provide an environment that invites change. You must clear out the old in order to make room for the new. Stagnant energy is similar to dust in that it seems to collect in corners, so be sure that the smoke, sprays, light or whatever you are using gets into the corners.

Plants, especially broad leaf ones, absorb negative energy, the more plants you have around the cleaner the energy will be, placing plants in corners will keep the energy moving instead of stagnating. Burn black candles for protection and repelling negativity. Open windows and allow fresh air to circulate. A dish of Rock Salt in a room, or a pinch in each corner will absorb negative energy, sprinkling some in a doorway will keep the energy from moving to another room. Wind Chimes, waterfalls, and crystals placed in corners and other specific areas of a room will keep the chi flowing, fresh flowers will lift the atmosphere of any room.

Once you move that dead energy in your home, you will be surprised at how it moves in your life!

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