Thursday 26 April 2012


When I did a post on my swollen finger, my friend Annie commented that when she was much younger her mum would buy these small seeds from the Chinese Medicine Shop to suck out the pus.  Hmm ... this was the first time I heard of these seeds.
So off I went to the Medicine Shop and asked the man there if he had such seeds.  True enough, he had and so I bought RM2.00 worth.  The name of the seeds is Tian Xian Zhi or when literally translated Heavenly Fairy Seeds.  According to the instructions given by the man, I just need to wet my finger and apply the seeds which would then adhere itself.
Is it effective?  I am not sure as my finger was already back to normal after I pricked it for the second time and squeezed out all the pus and blood.


Rich said...

I always enjoy reading your posts as they remind me of how much I enjoyed living in Malaysia.

Regarding the Tian Xian Zhi, perhaps a more up to date translation of 'xian' would be, 'immortal' rather than fairy. Here is a link to a page I wrote about the 8 Immortals (

Best wishes,


Miss Cheah said...

Thanks. I will check on your article later.

Miss Cheah said...

By the way, in Chinese fairies are also known as xian. Check out this link:

ennie said...

Yes, this is the seeds. now i recollect, its this name also.

Miss Cheah said...

Thanks for telling me about them.

Rich said...

Thanks, let me know what you think. I enjoyed watching a serialised version of Immortals and thought I would research a bit.

I followed the link and see what you mean about the translation. Still not sure though, does the Chinese idea of 'fairy' equate to this:

I don't think Western mythology had such organised 'Otherworlds' as Chinese seem to. It's really fascinating!