Wednesday 25 April 2012


Folks, there are people out there who would go all out to look like plastic dolls, below you have one such example from Russia who has undergone cosmetic surgery to look like Barbie.

A living Barbie doll

Ukrainian model Valeria Lukyanova is a living Barbie doll.

21-year-old has undergone plastic surgery and make-up to make her look like a Barbie doll.

Describing herself as "the most famous woman on the Russian-language Internet", she has posted photos and videos online, showing off her assets to the world.

She has big sparkly eyes, long blonde hair, flawless skin, a tiny waist and large breasts.

Although Lukyanova's living-doll looks have brought her Internet fame, some have blasted her over the transformation.

"Her face looks like it's made of plastic and she is a victim of plastic surgery gone wrong," a netizen wrote.

While some netizens have claimed that the pictures were photoshopped.

Lukyanova may looks similar to Barbie but to become exactly like her is impossible.

“If Barbie is real, she will be 1.75m tall, have a 99cm bust, an 46cm waist, 84cm hips and a size 3 shoes. She weights at 50kg.

“Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 and fit the weight criteria for anorexia,” Galia Slayen told Huffington Post.

Slayen, a former anorexia sufferer, made a life-sized Barbie to demonstrate just how unhealthy the doll’s proportions would be on a real woman last year.

Source: Huffington Post

Published April 24 2012



Sidratul Muntaha said...

ada juga orang buat kerja gila begini semata2 duit.
tapi bagus jugak bila dapt tengok babrbie doll dgn wajah tua.

Miss Cheah said...

Hmm ... interesting comment. Thank you.

Dr Frank Yap, MD said...

There are more pictures of her on her facebook:!/ValeriaLukyanova/photos

Plastic surgeons in Malaysia

Dr Frank Yap, MD said...

There are more pictures of her on her facebook:!/ValeriaLukyanova/photos

Plastic surgeons in Malaysia