Friday 16 March 2012


When I was out shopping this morning, I noticed that parents who are busy choosing or buying things have a tendency to just let their children wander.
In the first picture, the mother was busy choosing shoes and the child was left to her own devices.  She was playing near the stairs at first and then ventured near the escalator.  Aiyoh!  I was so worried that the child might get herself caught at the escalator or someone might just carry her off.
The second picture was taken near the Farmer's Market.  I was following behind the mother and child.  The lady just let her child tag along without once glancing back to see if she was still there.  When she stopped to look at things, the child was walking here and there.  There is always a possibility of some bad people stealing her child.
Hmm ... with the latest news of the death of 5 year old Nurul who was kidnapped and then killed, there are still parents out there who throw caution to the wind.

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