Sunday, 18 March 2012


I'd like to share with you a heart warming story of a loving husband who has remained devoted and caring to his wife of 56 years. Now this is a man who has kept his marriage vows of "I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life". My kudos to Encik Ismail.
Can't walk, but cares for wife himself

Every day, Ismail Mohamed, 77, bathes his bedridden wife, cleans, cooks and buys the groceries - all from his wheelchair.

The former policeman has been wheelchair-bound for 45 years after an accident left him paralysed from the waist down when he was 32.

But the grandfather of 12 insists on taking care of his wife of 56 years, Sohdiah, by himself.

The 73-year-old has been bedridden with heart disease and liver cancer for the past two years.

Every morning, he wakes up at 5am to change her soiled diapers and clothes, then makes her breakfast.

When she naps, he cleans their one-room flat in Circuit Road. A few times a week, he wheels himself to the wet market across the street to buy groceries.

His five children have offered to hire a maid to help, but he has firmly refused.

"As long as my hands are still strong, I will do it. It's not difficult," he said.

Photos courtesy of ST
Source: The Straits Times/ANN
Published March 17 2012


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