Thursday, 8 March 2012


The next time you consider lighting a mosquito repellent coil, think again as research has show that one lighted coil is as bad as 100 lit cigarettes. So you will have to decide which is the lesser evil, being bitten by mosquitoes or inhaling the poisonous smoke from the coils.

Read the article below to find out more.

1 Mosquito Coil, Equal To 100 Cigarettes
According to a study about risks of air pollution, it has come to light that a single mosquito repellent coil carries the same risk as that of smoking 100 cigarettes. As the coil emits smoke to keep mosquitoes at bay, it is hazardous for humans as well.
The director of Chest Research Foundation Sandeep Salvi spoke at the conference: Air Pollution and Our Health. He revealed: “Not many people know about it, but the damage done to your lungs by one mosquito coil is equivalent to the damage done by 100 cigarettes. This was according to a recent study conducted in Malaysia.” The conference was held by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) in coordination with Indian Medical Association and Indian Council for Medical Research. He cautioned about the lack of awareness about impact of air pollution on health, the indoor air pollution in particular.

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