Saturday 11 February 2012


Most of the time, we read of the self sacrifices mothers make for their children. After all, it is said that a mother's love knows no bounds.  However, I was confronted with an article about a mother in India who forced her daughter to serve men for money.  Cheez!  This is one mother from Hell.

Here's the article.

Mum forces daughter into prostitution

A 16-year old girl in Mumbai, India, was forced into prostitution - by her own mother.

Poonam Manish Mhatre, 49, used emotional blackmails, including threats to cut or burn herself if the girl did not agree to do her bidding.

She was booked under the Immoral Trafficking (Prevention) Act for inducing her daughter into prostitution.

Bad mama...Poonam Mhatre was booked under the Immoral Trafficking

The accused had apparently slashed her wrist and even poured kerosene on herself when her daughter refused to entertain customers.

According to the MidDay newspaper, the girl was forced into prostitution as soon as she dropped out of school.

Police said she feared that her mother would harm herself if she did not obey her wishes.

But after nine years of enduring the trauma and the ever-increasing demand to entertain customers, she finally broke her silence and reported the matter to the police.
Source: Agencies
Published Feb 9 2012

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