Saturday 11 February 2012


Saturday was a 5S Activity Day for my college. Some of you may be wondering what 5S System is, right?
This system orginated in Japan and is a list of 5 words starting with 'S' in Japanese.
The traslation is:
Separating [Seiri]
Sorting [Seiton]
Shine/Sweeping [Seiso]
Standardise [Seiketsu]
Sustaining [Shitsuke]

Each task should not be isolated from the other. All 5S make for a workplace to be efficient, lean and safe.
By applying the 5S everything has a place, time is not wasted by looking fro items or documents.
If you want to know more about 5S, then click this LINK.

During the 5S Activity on Saturday, the college campus was divided into a few zones and I was the leader of the zone covering the resource centre, the containers and the printing room.
This is the before picture in the storeroom where all the things were haphazardly arranged.
After sorting out the unwanted stuff and throwing them away, the students rearranged the remaining items neatly.   See the difference in the picture above.
Two of my helpers and I pose for a picture while taking a short break from our 5S task.
My student, Emelia rearranging the water feature area.
Thanks to Emelia, the water feature area looks much neater and nicer.
Before picture
After picture.
Before picture
Before picture
Two of my girls sorting out the wanted and unwanted stuff.
TADA - after the sorting, arranging and sweeping.

In feng shui, it is believed that clutter has an effect on our health, our energy levels and the overall quality of our life.  Clutter is something that is very scary as it can drain ones energy and dampens our very best intentions.  Obviously, a neat, tidy and clean place would have good Feng Shui.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good Job well kept,you all got a
very high spirit of 5s......pannir