Monday 26 December 2011


4 - 5 white pomfret, scaled and cleaned
2 - 3 tomatoes, quartered
1 onion, sliced
1 cucumber, cut into cubes
1 carrot, cut into cubes
1/2 cup of pineapple, cut into cubes
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 stalks spring onions, chopped

For the sauce:

6 - 8 tbsps of ketchup (add more depending on the size and number of fish used)
3 tbsps of chilli sauce
11/2 tbsp of white vinegar
2-3 tbsps of sugar (do a taste test, add more according to your preferences)
2 tbsp of light soy sauce

  1. First, use a knife and slighly make a cut across the body of the fish, next lightly rub both sides with a small amount of salt, this is to minimise the sticking of the fish to the pan or wok while frying. 
  2. Fry with low heat to ensure that the flesh of the fish is cooked as well, this may take some time depending on the size and number of your fish. 
  3. While the fish is frying, prepare the sauce by mixing the ingredients above, it is important to do a taste test. 
  4. When the fish is cooked, remove and place on a serving dish. 
  5. Saute the garlic, onions and carrot till fragrant. Next, add the pineapple, tomatoes and stir-fry for awhile before adding the previously prepared sauce. Bring to a boil and pour over the fried fish. Garnish with some spring onions if you wish.

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