Thursday 22 December 2011


I got the recipe for making Sambal Goreng Tempe from Kamariah after I saw this photo of the dish that she cooked. I am sharing it with you here.


2 pieces of normal sized tempe (cut into slices)
a handful of French beans
a bowl of dried anchovies (ikan bilis)
2 pieces of fish cake (sliced thinly)
2 red chillies (cut into slices)
Glass noodles and Fucuk (optional)
Oil for frying

Ingredients for sambal

2 onions (sliced thinly)
3 shallots (pounded)
2 pips of garlic (pounded)
2 stalks of lemon grass (cut finely and then pounded)
a bit of ginger (pounded)
2 tablespoon of ground chilli
2 -3 teaspoons of sweet sauce (kicap manis)
2 teaspoon of oyster sauce
asam jawa juice (to taste)
salt and sugar (to taste)
Oil for frying


  1. Fry ingredients A separately.  Then leave aside.
  2. To prepare the sambal, fry ingredients B.
  3. Add in the ground chilli and fry until it is cooked.
  4. Add in the Assam jawa juice, sweet sauce and oyster sauce.  Add also salt and sugar to taste.
  5. Fry until the ingredients become dry but not burnt.
  6. Add in Ingredient A that has been cooked.  Mix thoroughly.
  7. It is ready to be served.

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