Saturday 3 December 2011


Read how South Korean celebrity Lee Hyori responded to the unflattering comments made to her boyfriend's  outer appearance.  

Hyori responds to netizens’ comments about her relationship

On December 3rd, Lee Hyori wrote a message on her Twitter that seemed to address the comments made by netizens about her relationship.

Hyori tweeted, “We are all insects under the sky…. People that are a little better looking, people that are a little uglier, people who have it better, some people who have it worse… what meaning does this all have?

Her message seems to be directed towards all the negative comments made by netizens, ever since it was revealed that she’s been dating singer-songwriter Lee Sang Soon (38) for the past 5 months. Netizens have been voicing their opinions on Lee Sang Soon’s looks, and wondered aloud about what kind of charms he possessed to capture Hyori’s heart.

Source + Photo: edaily via Naver

I believe that Lee Hyori is a someone who does not view a person by how he or she looks.  Good for her that she has found someone whom she wants to be in a relationship with.  I am sure that she knows what she wants in a life partner.  Looks are only superficial.  Besides, I think many of the good looking South Korean idols have work done on their looks.  
Lee Hyori I support you and pray that you have found the love of your life.  Her Lee Sang Soon looks fine too me.  I am sure he is someone who is talented and with substance.

P/s:  My knowledge of face reading is not that good but then from the looks of Hyori's boyfriend, he does have facial features that show signs of success and wealth.

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