Sunday 4 December 2011


I always seem to be eating out most of the time. You may ask why then do I not cook my own meals, right?  Hmm ... it is really easier said than done.  I usually leave school at around 5.00 p.m each day and by the time I reach home, I am really too tired to go and buy food to cook.  Cooking for one is also not too economical.  So I always end up buying my dinner.  When I go back during the weekends, I still have to eat out as my mum does not cook.  She says that she is not up to cooking any more.  And so, I have to eat out again.
Lucky for me, I found that the food at the YMCA Restaurant is the nearest thing to a home cooked meal and so I would dine there during the weekends.
I was there for lunch with my mum and aunt on Saturday. We had Fish Head Curry, the Lohan Vegetarian dish and Triple steamed egg.

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