Tuesday 6 December 2011


 My sister, Li Mei, is scheduled to undergo a hip replacement surgery on Thursday, the 8th of December.  I am actually very worried and so decided to go with my Aunt Linda to the City God Temple in Ipoh (Sing Wong Temple 城隍庙) to ask for blessings from the Deity Wah Toh  or Hua Toh (The Taoist God of Medicine).  A few months back my aunt and I had gone to this very temple to pray for a speedy recovery for my cousin brother, Simon who was suffering from meningitis.  I am glad to say that he will be discharged from the Singapore General Hospital soon.  So, we are going to bother Wah Toh (華佗) again.
When I reached the temple, I told the sifu at the temple that I wanted to light the Wah Toh Oil Lamp for my sister. He then proceeded to ask me for my sister's name and Ba Zi (date and time of birth), the place where the operation would be taking place and the date and time of the surgery. He wrote all the details down on a pink slip of paper.

 After that, the sifu brought the pink slip of paper with all my sister's details to Wah Toh's Altar.  He called out to the deity to bless my sister and prayed that my sister's surgery would be successful.
After relaying my intentions to the deity, the sifu poured oil onto an oil lamp.  He will continue doing so for 9 days.  I paid RM9 for lighting the Wah Toh Lamp for 9 days.  In appreciation for the sifu's help during the prayer ceremony, I gave him a lai see (red packet).

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