Friday 16 December 2011


Uncooked wanton mee
Wanton skin
The wanton skin filled with ingredients ready to be cooked
The ingredients on the wanton skin
Ingredients for the wanton: prawns, water chestnut, salt, sesame oil and soy sauce
It's been a while since I last cooked wanton mee.  When my father was alive, I'd cook this dish for him as it was one of his favourites.  Nowadays, I don't cook it at home as my mum doesn't want to eat it as she says it gives her gastric.
Actually it is rather simple to cook.  I just buy the special mee from the wet market.  I pay RM1.80 for 5 mee.  The wanton skin can also be bought.  What I need to do is to make the soup and then prepare the ingredients for the wanton.  I buy prawns, chop them up and add diced chestnuts for that extra zing.  Before I wrap them up in wanton skin, I will marinate the ingredients with sesame oil, pepper, soy sauce and a bit of salt.   I also add  the white of 1 egg.  After wrapping the wanton, I boil them in hot water and scoop them up when they pop up to the surface.  Then the wanton is added to the soup.  Very simple!

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