Tuesday 27 December 2011


Every week, I will go and buy some vegetables to make into a herbal concoction which is said to help keep ones sugar level and blood pressure normal. Celery and capsicum are two of the ingredients.
I have been under a lot of stress these past few months as my mother has been very difficult. Her doctor said that she is suffering from the early stages of dementia. Some of the psychiatric symptoms my family and I noticed are that she is apathetic to everyday activities, gets depressed fast, becomes suspicious and fearful easily and keeps insisting that she has all sorts of ailments. She has become very blunt in her speech, gets easily frustrated and withdraws into a world of her own.
My aunt and I are hoping that she is not really suffering from dementia but is undergoing a very low period of her life.  My mum is 79 years old in Chinese age and we Chinese believe that ones life force is very weak. Furthermore, she was born in the year of the Rooster which is in direct clash with the Rabbit and also Tai Sui.  
I was told by one Feng Shui master that my mother is experiencing a very low period and from his calculations, there may be danger for her towards the last month of the Rabbit year.  He advised her to be extra careful and to go ask for divine blessings and protection. He also suggested releasing some birds to help her gain some merits. Unfortunately, my mother blabbed out that she wasn't going to do so as she has no faith in the powers above.  Aiyoh!  How to ask for divine blessings when she has insulted the very powers that we need to ask help from.  Yeah!  She is really that difficult and because of her actions and words, I have become extremely stressed.  I worry that she might insult some aggressive person and get whacked.  

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