Saturday 17 December 2011


 The pretty young lady with me in the picture is Nabilah.  She is the sister of the bride, Nurul Idliana.  The wedding reception today was held at the MDM Hall whereas the marriage solemnisation ceremony was held yesterday at their house in Pasir Panjang.  Nurul Idliana is Haji Hasnin and Hajah Jamaliah's fourth child.
This was what I had for the wedding reception.  There was actually beef and chicken but I only opted for the vegetables since I don't eat meat.
Here is the guest book that visitors were invited to sign.

Lai Yoong signing the guest book.

Haji Hasnin greeting one of his guests.
The goodie bags which contained sweets and biscuits.
One young guest looking at the decorations on the archway.
Guests helping themselves to the food.
Nabilah distributing lollipops to the young guests.
Arrival of the bride and groom, Idliana and Adli'
These young children accompanied the bridal couple from their car to the stage all the while blowing bubbles into the air.
Prayer ceremony to ask for blessings for the bridal couple
Haji Hasnin and Hajah Jamaliah
The bride and groom and their next of kin
Tuan Haji Syed Sharim was invited to say the special prayers for the bride and groom
The groom and bride 
Nurul Idliana
Mohd. Adli bin Hassan  Basri and Nurul Idliana bt Hj Ahmad Hasnin
A section of the guests at the wedding reception

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