Saturday, 26 November 2011


Some Feng Shui Masters believe that there will be Chi leaked out, so we should always keep the bathroom door closed the whole day. Some feel that there is no concern since the hygiene standards of most households have improved.

In our opinion, not only the bathroom door should be closed at all time, the toilet bowl lid should also be closed to avoid bad Feng Shui Chi.
A bit of bathroom science
Let me ask you this question: When we flush the toilet, will everything goes down the drain?
WRONG! When we do that, there are minuscule water droplets carring more than 25,000 virus-carrying particles fly out of the toilet bowl and into the air. They hover for a few hours in your bathroom and then finally touch down on all surfaces near the toilet. This means they land on your soap, your towel, your cup and even your toothbrush!
Keep the door closed & put a lid on it
This means that whenever you finish your big job and pull the flush, you will fill the surrounding with bad Chi. You won't want to let this Chi flow out and fill your house, do you?
You could put the lid down before you flush. Well..... the truth is, it won't solve all the problems. The next time you lift the lid, a lot of those virus-carrying water particle will still float up into the air.
Suggestion - install a ventillator in your toilet. Put a chlorine tablet in the toilet bowl to kill some of the germs. Keep your toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet, not on top of the sink. And the next time you brush your teeth, run your tooth brush under hot water first.
Don't get too worried about the gross germs in your toilets though - the far more dangerous germs are on your kitchen sponge or cutting board ... but I will leave you to check it out.

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