Saturday 15 October 2011


Nowadays, I notice that there is a trend for fans to give Rice Wreaths for charitable causes as a show of support or to congratulate South Korean celebrities for a special event or achievement instead of floral ones.  Personally I think this is a great idea as the flowers would only go to waste after the event is over.  This is not so with Rice Wreaths as they will benefit a charitable cause.   Hopefully, this practice will catch on in other countries and more hungry people will be fed.

Here is an article about what Hero Jaejoong will be doing with the 7 tonnes of rice he received from his fans.
JYJ’s Jaejoong to deliver 7 tonnes of rice to 29 undernourished children for a year

JYJ‘s Jaejoong will be sponsoring 29 children living in poverty by providing seven tonnes of rice over a full year.
Representatives visited the Korea Association of the Community Child Center to submit Jaejoong’s deed of intention, specifying that seven tonnes of rice would be donated to 29 children. For a year, the 29 children will be delivered 20 kg of rice every month.
The rice was collected through the production conference for his SBS drama, ‘Protect the Boss‘. Fans from all over the world, including the States, UK, China, Japan, France, Italy, Spain, Peru, Ukrania, and Qatar sent in rice wreaths to show their support.
The 29 children were chosen through the recommendations made by the KACCC. After discussing their options with the families, Jaejoong made the decision to sponsor the undernourished children.
Source + Photos: TV Daily via Nate
For more on rice wreath for charity, please click this LINK.

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