Tuesday 11 October 2011


In less than four months, we will be welcoming the year of the Dragon.  Now this mythical creature is regarded highly by the Chinese.  So, people are expecting some good things to happen.  In the meantime, here is an article about the Chinese Dragon.


By Henry K. H. Fong

Chinese dragons are usually drawn as very snake-like with four legs and a very long body. Most dragons are associated with evil put Chinese dragons depict power that is not necessarily evil. The Chinese dragon is regularly found in Chinese art and folklore. The male Chinese dragon is a symbol of the male or yang and is thought to control the weather and rain.
ragons are thought to come from an ancient crocodile that could predict rain. As Chinese dragons control moving water, including rain, this link is highly possible. In many cultures dragons are evil beings but to the Chinese the dragon is very powerful and for the most part is desired. The Chinese dragon is present in many aspects of Chinese life including folklore and art. The male or yang, is Chinese is depicted by the dragon.

The Chinese dragon is historically a symbol of the Chinese's Emperor and 'commoners' could not use it. Over the years the presence of the dragon has faded and re-emerged due to different connotations with war and aggressions. Chinese dragons are also closely linked to rain and water and some of the most horrific floods that occurred in China are blamed on a mortal angering a dragon.

Chinese dragons are associated with the lucky number nine as dragons are described using nine attributes. They have 117 scales with 81 Yin scales (9 x 9), positive essence, and 36 Yang scales (4 x 9), negative essence. As with dragons the number nine also belongs to emperor and the highest government officials would wear robes decorated with nine dragons.

The Chinese dragon is the most desired year of the Chinese Zodiac as the year of the dragon has the most births to it. The dragon is associated with positive personality traits and many babies are born during this year. One of the four celestial guardians is a dragon and dragon puppets and dragon boat racing are very popular over the Chinese New Year.

Besides controlling the weather the Chinese dragon is also part of the Chinese zodiac. It is thought that children born in the year of the dragon will possess many positive personality traits and therefore more births are recorded in dragon years then any other year. Beside the zodiac, the dragon is one of four celestial guardians and its figure is used in many Chinese New Year celebrations.

Besides controlling water dragons also have many other powers such as changing its size or being able to be invisible or glow. Dragons can manipulate water so it turns into fire. Dragons most likely were derived from a type of ancient crocodile that was able to predict rain. It is thought that the legend of dragons emerged from this crocodile.
SOURCE: http://www.experiencefestival.com/wp/article/the-significance-of-the-chinese-dragons

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