Monday 17 October 2011


The sunflowers and bears that Lai Yoong got from her storeroom
An old basket of mine
When Lai Yoong was de-cluttering her house a couple of weeks ago, she found this bunch of sunflowers with three bears.  It was actually wrapped in fancy paper into a floral bouquet.  She asked me if I could help her to convert the flowers into a floral arrangement to make her house more cheerful.
Of course I was up to the challenge.  However, I had to wait until a couple of days ago to do the arrangement as I had some work to complete earlier.
Here you see me doing the arrangement with my student Afif looking on.  It was break time and my students had come to the library.  You must be wondering why I was doing an arrangement for my friend during school hours, right?
Actually, I was showing my students how to recycle used items which happens to be the theme of the latest exhibition for the library titled, "Creative Creations".
I told my students that I was reusing Sue Lyn's floral bouquet and converting it into a floral decoration to cheer up Lai Yoong's house.  The basket that I used was also one that I had used before.
However, I did buy some materials to add to the floral basket; 4 more bunches of light and dark yellow daisies and 14 plastic fern leaves amounting to RM12.
Here I am with the almost completed floral basket.
TADA ... the completed floral basket.  Looks bright and cheerful, doesn't it?  I hope Lai Yoong likes it when she sees it.

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