Thursday 11 August 2011


Khairah buying Roti John
The young lady packing my otak-otak for me.  
Ayam Goreng Berempah (Fried Chicken with Spices)
Khairah buying Curry Chicken

Roti John
Curry Chicken
Ayam Masak Merah
Laksa Buyung
Pulut Panggang
Ayam Golek

Singapore Fried Beehoon
After spending two and a half hours in discussion on examination statistics and strategies to improve academic performances of students, I was dog tired and I felt giddy because I did not have my lunch.  I only ate 6 biscuits and took a few sips of water in the morning.
Immediately after the school meeting, Khairah and I went to the Bazaar Ramadhan to buy food for our dinner.  There was so much food to choose from that we were spoilt for choice.  I am posting some of the pictures I took at the Ramadhan Bazaar to share with you the sight Khairah and I enjoyed during our visit.  Unfortunately, I could not share the smell of the food with you.  For that you need to be there in person.

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