Monday 29 August 2011


My mother has been constantly complaining about constipation and keep insisting on going to the doctors to get some medication for it.  She has this habit of seeking the doctor out for anything and everything, so much so that the drugs that she was given was taking a toll on her health  Her hearing, her eyesight and even her sanity.  Once she became dependant on sleeping tablets because she couldn't sleep and turned into a zombie. I had to put a stop to it and gave her lectures plus reprimanding her if she so much as take a single sleeping pill.  Then she got hooked on injections for ailments like gastric and cough.  Again, I had to put a stop to it. 
Yesterday morning, she asked me to drive her to the doctors because she did not have any bowel motion for a few days.  Of course, I refused.  Instead I went to the market and bought a papaya, some ladies' fingers and sweet potatoes (ubi keledek).  All these are natural herbal remedies for constipation.  I went home and steamed the sweet potatoes for her and after an hour she managed to ease herself.  You see, the problem with my mum is she does not drink enough water or eat fruits to help bowel movement.  
I'll let her eat the papaya tomorrow and the ladies' fingers on Tuesday.  

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