Monday 22 August 2011


 A week ago, I had gotten the heartbreaking news that Lai Yoong's hubby Mr Wong Kee Ming passed away after watching the nail biting match between Dato Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan.  Initial observation indicated that he suffered from a massive heart attack.
I had known the Wongs since 1995 when I was posted to the vocational school in Seri Manjung.  It was actually badminton which got us all together.  Haji Hasnin was the coach for their daughter, Sue Lyn, and I was roped in to be a chaperone for the girl's team which represented the district.  Ever the doting mum, Lai Yoong also volunteered as a chaperone.  And that was the start of my friendship with them.
I am actually feeling the loss of my friend, whom I fondly refer to as Leng Chai (Handsome guy).  I nicknamed him so after I saw a photo of him when he was undergoing training in Scotland when he was in his twenties.  I guess he got the best of both worlds from his Chinese-Thai parentage.  When I met Sue Lyn on the first day of her late father's wake, she said, "Auntie Li Na, your Leng Chai has passed away."  I guess I was the only one who called him such.
Now exactly a week after his demise, I am reminded of this kind and helpful man.  Whenever I look at the three strips of wood in the picture above, I would think of the Leng Chai.  He said that my sliding door was not safe enough and had taken measurements of the door to cut the strips of wood for me.  I was to place the wood to jam the sliding door at night.
 The white piece of cord above was another piece of handiwork by the Leng Chai.  This was for extra protection for the grille.
When Lai Yoong and the Leng Chai visited me at my home, he would sit on this wooden bench.  Each time I look at the bench, I'd remember him.
But the things that reminds me most of Leng Chai Wong are the plants in my garden.  This is because he'd come and help water the plants for me during the weekends when I go back to Ipoh.  Yeah!  He was really and truly a very nice guy.  His absence will truly be felt by me and all who have known him.
Imagine, I am only a friend and I feel the loss.  Can you imagine, the emptiness felt by Lai Yoong and Sue Lyn?  However, Haji Hasnin said that both mother and daughter are strong and with time and the support of friends and relatives, they'd be able to go on with their lives.

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