Wednesday 24 August 2011


The boys and girls at the doorstep of one of the Opahs.  They were waiting for her to open the door.
Azmira, Mai, Asri and Haikal at the doorstep of the Opah who stays at B17.
Hamamah knocking on the door of the Opah who lives at B18 while Syuhada, Nadjme and Ashraf wait patiently.
Ustazah Roslina introducing herself to the senior citizen.

Aizat, Naja and Shikin waiting for their Opah to open the door.

Cikgu Rosni and her sons visiting one of the senior citizens in her quarters.
This Opah appears to be very happy to see our students.
Cikgu Daniel and our students having a chat with one of the Opahs.

Ustaz Syed checking in on the visitors at one of the Opahs quarters
Hazly, Surendran, Iffah, Puan Kamariah with two of the senior citizens.
Ezekial, Baron Syafiq, Elmika and Munirah Balqis with the oldest resident at the Pondok.  The girls told me that the Opah is 86 years old.

Cikgu Nurul Marliana and our girls with Tuan Haji Ahmad Hasnin's aunt who is also learning more about Islam at the Pondok.
The girls and their adopted Opah.

Group photo
Posing in front of the Manabi'ul Ulum Surau
Bidding goodbye to Ustaz Syed before boarding the bus to go back to the Hostel.

Puan Kamariah bidding goodbye to one of the senior citizens.

In carrying out the Charity project for the library, my objective was to inculcate in the students the habit of respecting and remembering ones elders.  In doing so, I hope to instil in them the idea that doing charity does not mean giving in cash and kind; giving ones time and energy also counts.  I read somewhere that being involved in social and charitable work gives more enjoyment to the person who gives than the one who receives.  It is actually an effective psychotherapy.
From what I observed, the grannies or opahs were indeed very happy to have the young ones and their teachers paying them a visit and chatting with them.  A few of my girls had bonded with their adopted opahs.  Perhaps, I might think of having a Hari Raya Open House at the library and inviting these opahs.

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