Tuesday 23 August 2011


The boys signing the greeting card which will be presented to the senior citizen at the centre.

I had a briefing session with my librarians this morning.  Tomorrow afternoon the 40 boys and girls will be going to visit 10 needy senior citizens at the Manabi'ul Ulum Religious Education Centre in Lekir.  All of them are ladies who are in their seventies or eighties.  
My students will be bringing along with them the Festive Goodie bags that we have prepared for the old folks.  The money for the Goodie bags was from the contributions of the teachers, staff and students of the school.  I also had contributions for my former principal, Puan Siti Arfah, Haji Hasnin's sister and also Lai Yoong who donated in the name of her late husband.
During the briefing, the librarians were told about what attire to wear, the time the bus departs for the centre and what to do there.  The students will be divided into 10 groups.  Each group of 4 students would be given the task of going to the quarters of one senior citizen. They are to present her with the Goodie bag and also spend some time with the lady.  I told that doing charity does not necessary mean donating in cash and kind, one can also contribute by spending time with the elderly.

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