Saturday 4 June 2011


 Lai Yoong came back to Ipoh with me yesterday.  Both of us had made a pact to go up Tong Wah Tong for prayers.  She also visited my sifu at the other temple.  Later in the afternoon, I brought her to visit the Siamese temple where the beautiful white Buddha statue was.
 More construction work being done at the temple.  I wonder what they will be adding?

 The dragon was given fresh coats of paint.  So it looks extra magnificent now.
 See how big one finger nail of the Buddha statue is.

 The lotus pedestal for the Buddha.
 Lai Yoong giving contributions at a Buddha statue.

 We also visited another temple which was located next to the Siamese temple.
 Lai Yoong is posing in front of the Taoist temple.

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