Tuesday 3 May 2011


Yesterday afternoon, I had wanted to meet my sifu to request for a Paper Charm to protect against burglars entering my house but then when I went to his temple in Tambun, I found that there was a special event going on there.  That meant that the sifu was busy.  Sigh!
Anyway, I opted to climb up to the Tong Wah Tong Temple instead.  I wanted to pray to the Jade Emperor and the other Taoist Deities there to ask them for blessings and also help me recover from my ear problem.  When I was there I knelt in front of the altar and meditated.  Though the temple was inside a cave and was very cooling, I was sweating profusely as I knelt there.  Really, the sweat just came pouring out.  Even after I finished praying, I was still sweating.  You can see for yourself in the photos of me above.  My clothing was drenched in sweat and my hair was wet.
What was miraculous was that after I came down from the cave, my ears were okay and my headache was gone.  Really!  No joke.  Strange though it may seem but nonetheless it is true.

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