Sunday 1 May 2011


According to Flying Star Feng Shui, the Number 7 star is located at the central position of the Grid for the Rabbit Year and this is not a good thing.  Why?  It is because the Number 7 star happens to be a star that brings about negative things like burglaries, robberies and thefts.   Feng Shui masters have already been giving warnings of an increase of such incidences occuring throughout the year.  Now as we enter into the 4th lunar month, I am hearing more cases of burglaries and thefts in my housing estate.

Two days ago, I heard from my school clerk, who also happens to  live right behind my house, that a burglar had tried to climb into her house from the back door at around dawn.  Thank goodness, her next door neighbour who had woken up for the Subuh prayers saw the intruder and managed to scare the fella away.  He also notified the police who came at around later in the morning.  I did not hear anything as I was having problems with my hearing because of too much pressure.  

When I went for massage therapy for my ears at the masseur's place near my house, I was told by his wife that their neighbour's house was broken into a day before.  It seems that two burglars broke into the house and entered from the rooftop.  It was around 9.30 a.m. when most people had gone to work.  They tied up the 70 somethng old lady who was inside and had a gala time taking away all the valuables.  I was also told that a couple of weeks ago, another robbery occurred at the housing estate next to mine.  The burglars came in a car and used some appliance to cut the locks.  They carted away all the electronic equipment and things of worth.  The masseur's wife told me that the people at my housing estate managed to catch a snatch thief who was running away with the handbag of his victim.  It seemed that while he was being caught, four of his teeth were knocked off.  Serves him right!  Now we have a toothless snatch thief. 

I am back in Ipoh now but I am worried about my house in Sitiawan that is left unattended eventhough I have placed alarm locks at the back and front of the house since the burglars can enter from the roof.  Next week I have asked Lai Yoong to go with me to the grill makers to ask them to make two grills for the hatches in my ceiling. 

I will go and see my sifu in Tambun in the afternoon and ask him to give me a Paper Charm to prevent burglaries and thefts for my home.  This is really worrisome.

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