Wednesday 4 May 2011


For the Resource Centre Week in my school, we carried out an Explorace.  The students were representatives of the four uniformed bodies in my school, the Police Cadet, KRS, Red Crescent Society and Scouts.  Each unit sent two teams to compete. 
There were 3 members in each team.  They were required to complete a task at each check-point before they were given one ingredient for making sambal belacan.  At the first check-point, each team were given a mortar and pestle.  Finally, when they have earned all the ingredients, the students have to pound the ingredients to make into sambal belacan.  When they have done that, they carried mortar and pestle into the library where their hard work would be judged.  The team with the best time and also the most decent looking sambal belacan will be placed first.  This will be followed by the second, third, fourth and fifth best teams.
This was such a fun activity to do.  All the students had a great time participating.  Even the librarians who acted as facilitators enjoyed themselves tremendously.  I had a great time this evening and so did my colleagues who helped to organise the activity.  All the smiles and laughter the students had while doing the activities generated lots and lots of positive Qi.  This of cause created a lot of happiness for everyone.

Here is a quote on happiness I'd like to share:

Realise that true happiness lies within you.  Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
 Og Mandino

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