Sunday 1 May 2011


The Chinese believe that when a cactus plant growing in ones home starts to bear flowers then it is  auspicious sign.  The blooming of the cactus flower symbolises that good luck will be upon the owner or occupants of the home.  Usually the good luck or good news comes immediately after the flower blooms. 
In the above picture, you see a pot of cactus belonging to my mum.  The flower is in full bloom today. 
Unfortunately, it will only bloom for a day.  Nevertheless, I see a few more buds coming out from the cactus. 
Me tyring to soak up the good vibes coming out from the beautiful cactus flower.
 Yeh! I am trying to get some of the good luck from my mum's hard work.
I am taking advantage of the blooming time of the cactus flower by holding longer to it to absorb the good luck.  Remember, it blooms for only one day and then it closes like the one in the next picture.
This is the cactus flower that bloomed in another pot of cactus that my mum planted.  It was in full bloom on
Saturday but then I did not take any photos then.  Too bad, eh?


frontdis said...

So did the good luck really come? Mine was going to bloom soon.

frontdis said...

Did good luck come after the bloom?