Friday 8 April 2011


Cucur is a popular snack eaten by Malaysians.  It is usually eaten for breakfast and also for tea.  One of my friends was making this snack when I visited her this evening and I managed to take some photographs as well as get the recipe.
The ingredients for Cucur Kucai include:

200g flour

A fistful of kucai (cut)

1 fistful of beansprouts

1 sliced onion

Water and salt

Oil for frying


1. Mix the flour with just enough water. Add the water, a little at a time.
2. Add a bit of fine salt
3.  Next add in the kucai, bean sprouts and onions.  Mix evenly.
 Heat the oil in the wok.  Then scoop the mixture with a spoon into the oil.  Next fry until golden brown.
Tada .. the cucur kucai is ready to be eaten with chilli sauce.  A simple and inexpensive snack for tea.

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