Friday 11 March 2011


My friends and colleagues in school who have read about my having drunk the tainted tap water from my home for 6 months told me that they think I looked none the worse for wear since I was jumping and running about like usual in school.  For your information, I walk very fast and also run and jump a lot.  Yeah!  Not only little children are hyperactive,  some Aunties also fall into this category.
In the series of pictures above, I was posing for pictures for my friends who were testing my DSLR camera and the new XZ-1 Digital camera.  I was waiting to shoot a video of a colleague who would be doing the assembly of parts of a machinism and gladly posed as the the female version of ULTRAMAN ... Ultrawoman.
On a more serious note, I will go for a medical check-up to make extra sure that my liver and kidneys are okay.  As it is I suspect that my recent skin problem could most probably be because of the contaminated water I had been using.  There is also the possibility of the swelling on my left shoulder being caused by it as well.  For this, I need the test results plus the doctor's diagnosis to be certain.  Also I have been having frequent headaches lately.  I who had never taken medical leave four years in a row had to take a day's leave because of severe tension headache a couple of weeks ago.  Actually I had a bad headache yesterday as well. 
In the meantime, I am drinking a lot of coconut water, mineral water and also detox tea to flush out whatever toxins that may be in my body.  I want to maintain my Ultrawoman status and be able to jump, run and skip around.  If not life wouldn't be fun anymore for me.


  1. Hi Ms Cheah. Have been following your blog since Sept/Oct last year. I open your blog once in every few days andjust read your plight. I am a lawyer by profession and say that you are on the right track. If the developers are smart, they will settle it quietly and asap. They would not want to open a can of worms. Many will be waiting for someone to make the first move and if you manage to stir up the matter it will open the floodgates for others house-owners to follow suit. Start with a reasonable but higher estimate on your claims as they will try to reduce the claim amount. All the best. Also you make want to try some detox programme. Check with your local pharmacy or better still with your doctor when you go for your check-up. Cheers. Mei

  2. Mei,
    Thanks for the concern and the advice. Yes! The liason officer at the MCA Service Centre told me that if the housing developer does not agree to my demands, then he will call for a press conference. Then the authorities from the Ministry of Housing and Industry might also take an interest, not to mention the consumer associations.
    I have been drinking lots of detox tea and other herbal drinks. Hopefully, I am not too badly affected.
