Thursday 17 March 2011


In my previous post I was blogging about all the cures one need as a remedy against the Nasty 5 Yellow Star.  Well, I personally feel that all the cures and remedies suggested by the Feng Shui masters cannot equal that of my Heavenly Protectress, the Goddess Kuan Yin.

In Buddhism, Kuan Yin is known as the protectress of women.  It is to Her that I seek help and protection and it is in Her that I trust and believe Who will always be there for me.  It is my belief that my Divine Heavenly Protectress had a hand in bringing me out of harms way and will keep being there for me as She is known as the Hearer of Cries who will answer my call to Her. In trying times and my hour of need, it is in Her that I find solace and peace.  For with Her by my side, this ordinary woman finds inspiration to shake the world.

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