Tuesday 22 March 2011


In my previous blog, I mentioned that I would be going back to school for an extra English language class with my students at 8.30 p.m.  Actually I was rather worried that they might not turn up for the class as it was raining very heavily at that time.  When I reached the school, it was already 8.35 p.m. I thought maybe a handful of them would turn up but to my surprise all but one came.  The absentee was not a boarder at the hostel and so might have trouble getting to school in the rain. 
Actually my class is one of the weakest class in school.  These boys did not do too well for their Form 3 examination and opted to learn vocational skills in my school.  Weak though they are in their studies, they still come for classes.  Though it takes me a longer time to teach them and I have to do a lot of explaining and translating, the boys do pick up some language. 
Before I went back to school for my class with the boys, I was feeling very upset and angry.  This was all compliments of the treatment I got from Kar Sin Enterprise.  When I called again to ask about the reply to my requests, the reception again told me that the man in charge was on leave and that he would call me.  Well, I told her that the letter was sent two weeks ago.  However, she said that the other people did not want anything to do with me and told me to wait for Mr Wong's reply.  So, I told her to listen very carefully and convey the following message to whoever may be there.  The mesage was that if I do not get any reply from them by noon tomorrow, I would go ahead with the press conference and I would make sure that the reporters for the Malay, English and Chinese press would be present.  I was feeling like a sore bear and did not feel like replying to all the text messages I received as I was in no mood for that.
However, being with my boys for one and a half hours seems to have the most calming and relaxing effect on me. My boys are all very energetic and lively.  Chatting and joking while tutoring them really cheered me up and made me forget about all the indignity I went through earlier in the evening.  I think it must definitely be the positive Chi emanating from my 16 boys that had livened up my spirit and put me back in my happy mood.  That is the best Chi (energy) booster for me.

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