Thursday 10 March 2011


Blind buskers
Dried salted fish

Bunga kerak nasi
Annona for sale

Plants sold at the Farmer's Market
Wild Honey for sale
Choosing assessories from a stall
The range of brooches available
Clothes for sale
The clothes vendors, Jason, Michael and an unidentified friend

Going to the market is the past-time of many uncle, uncles, ah soh, ah pek, pakcik and makcik in Malaysia.  I count myself inside this category as I love going to the market, especially the Farmer's market as they are so many things to see and to buy.  I share some pictures taken at the Kampung Simee Farmer's Market with you above.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss Cheah, I just love the places that you take us to.
    For some of us, these "trips" brings back reminiscences of our youth days gone by in our malaysian hometowns.
