Monday 28 March 2011


 In my opinion, the young lady in the picture above already looked quite pretty but then she was not satisfied with the way she looked.
 So this young lass from China went to the plastic surgeon to get her face fixed.  Here is a picture of her before surgery.
 And here is a picture of her after she woke up from all the work done on her face.  Yikes!  It looks painful.
 Here the bandages have been removed.  You can see the bruises and swelling.
She must have a lot of work done to her face.  Imagine the pain and discomfort she went through in her quest to look like someone out of a Japanese Manga.  Below are the pictures of how she looked like after she was fully healed.  Link
Hmm ... after seeing the pictures of her and that of Angela Baby, I am now wondering how many other girls went to similar cosmetic surgery procedures to look like this.  If this goes on, there will be a lot of girls in the Far East walking around looking like carbon copies of one another.  By the way, there is also one in Singapore by the name of Dawn Yang.  ARGGHHH!  The invasion of the plastic dolls.
Dawn Yang

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are certain procedures you must follow to prepare for surgery. Some procedures and preparations must be done several days in advance. Your surgeon can provide you with details of what to do and what to avoid prior to your procedure. Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully so as to avoid unnecessary and potentially dangerous complications.

cosmetic surgery advice