Friday 18 March 2011


Lai Yoong and I share the same Chinese birthdate.  I guess that is one of the reasons we have so many common interests, other than badminton. 
My petite friend will be going on a trip to Vietnam with her ex-schoolmates next week and I went to her house this afternoon to give her some limau purut and leaves for her to take bath.  We believe that bathing with this citrus fruit and its leaves will get rid of the bad Chi surrounding a person and would also bring forth good positive Chi (energy).  I also brought her some paper talisman that I got from the temple to protect her from any harm and danger on her travels.  This little friend of mine is very dear to me and I would make sure that she has a safe journey to and from Vietnam.  When she comes back, both of us will be doing some social work at two Welfare Homes in Sitiawan and we can celebrate our Chinese birthday next month.

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