Wednesday 9 February 2011


Each year, I would make sure I'd get my picture taken with the statue of the Taoist Deity, Yuet Loe when I visit the Ling Sen Tong Temple during the first few days of the lunar new year.  To the Taoists, Yuet Loe or The Old Man of the Moon is the Heavenly Official in charge of marriages.  He is credited with tying marital strings to would-be couples before they are born.
Somehow, his old fella seems to have forgotten about me.  That is why I visit him each year to remind him of his negligence.  Note that there are two seats for couples to have their pictures taken with him since he is supposed to be the Heavenly Matchmaker.  The words in the heart shaped bag that Yuet Loe is holding reads, "Forever United in Love".

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