Sunday 20 February 2011


For the Taoists, if a baby or child is sickly, they would usually get godparents for their son or daughter as they believe that the lifeforces of the godparents would help their precious ones to grow up big and strong.  Sometimes, the parents would 'give' their children to Deities as godchildren.
Some Malays also believe that if their children are sickly, they would 'sell' them. Selling here is just symbolic of giving their children to another set of parents so that they may have a change of fortune and be able to grow up healthily.
The little boy above, Amir, is my godson.  When he was a baby, Amir was rather sickly.  Even today, he suffers from asthma and is allergic to milk based product.  A couple of years ago, I suggested that I 'buy' him over from his dad so that he can enjoy the luck, protection and blessings from a godmother of another race and who is very much older. 
For your information, I did not simply volunteer to be his godmother without checking his Paht Chee or Birthdate and time.  If there is a clash, then instead of helping, it would make matters even worse.  Luckily, the little boy was born in the year of the Monkey which is an astrological Zodiac which happens to be one of my allies.  This little boy was born on the 19th day of the 6th lunar month which happens to be the Birthday of the Goddess of Mercy or Kuan Yin.  The Taoists believe that people born on such a date would have to endure a lot of challenges in life.  Being a godparent to such a child, ones date of birth must be one which is strong enough to counter that of his. If not, the parent or godparent might suffer the consequences later on.  Luckily, I was born on a three killing day which would be a match for his date.  Another person with suitable Paht Chi for Amir would be my sister, Li Mei who was born in the year of the Snake.  She also happened to be born on the first day of the first lunar month which is also supposed to be challenging date. The Chinese say that this is matching "Bitterness" with "Bitterness" or "Tough" with "Tough".  His father and late mother, were both born in the year of the Ox which is also compatible with mine.  The Ox is also an ally of the Snake.  So there was no clash whatsover. 
Once in a while, I'd go and check on little Amir to see how he is doing.  The little boy is in Primary One now and when I visited him this evening, he requested that I speak to him in English as he wanted to have more practice.  I also had to drag Sharveen along as I have a poor memory of locating his house which is located in the outskirts of Manjung.  I am one person who is not good at directions and though I have been to the place about 3 or 4 times, I still have trouble locating it.
Besides playing with Amir, I also went to deliver some Teaching DVDs to his dad.  Actually, I promised to edit the video of him teaching in class in the year 2009 but only managed to get them done last month.  Yeah!  It's better late than never. 
I am sure that most ladies would want to take on the part of Cinderella if given the chance. Why?  Cinderellas are supposed to be pretty and most importantly, they get the handsome and charming prince.  Me?  I prefer to be the Fairy Godmother.

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