Wednesday 16 February 2011


My sister, Li Mei and I have similar type of facial features but our colouring differs.  When we were much younger, people would always say that my mum had daughters who were like Kopi and Susu (Coffee and Milk).  Li Mei is very fair skinned and has brown hair.  When she was a child, the colour of her hair was an even lighter shade of brown.  Me?  I had always had charcoal black hair and olive coloured skin.
I guess the reason for my sister having such type of colouring could be attributed to our maternal great, great grandmother who was an Englishwoman.  My grandad had greyish coloured eyes and very European type of features.  Quite a number of my granduncles also had blueish coloured eyes which were deepset and straight noses with high bridges.
When I complained to Kamariah that I did not get to inherit a high and straight nose from my ancestors, she told me to be thankful that I had a nose instead.  Yeah!  Serves me right.

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